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Renewable energy sources

1➤ Which of the following is the building block of pv system?

2➤ Which of the following resources is renewable?

3➤ Which of the following defines the ocean thermal energy conversion?

4➤ Usually solar cell efficiency ranges from

5➤ Radiant energy can not be measured in

6➤ The angle at which PV panel is installed from the horizontal affects it's output . The ideal angle from horizontal surface is

7➤ Solar array is a:

8➤ The unit of wind speed is

9➤ In Photo Voltaic system (PV-system) arrange the following from smallest to the largest unit (A) Module (B) Array (C) Solar cell (D) Array field Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

10➤ The First Union Territory of India to run 100 percent on solar energy is-

11➤ Which is the first hydropower plant in India?

12➤ Which is the largest hydel power project in India?

13➤ What is life expectancy of hydro power plant in years?

14➤ Which device is used to measure solar irradiance on planner surface?

15➤ What is range of small generation electricity windmils?

16➤ What is efficiency of geothermal power generation?

17➤ What is range of large electricity generation windmils?

18➤ Which component is NOT required in conversion of wind energy to electrical DC supply?

19➤ Which component in the wind power plant controls the angle of blades whenever the wind changes by rotating the angle of blades to cut the maximum wind?

20➤ The target set by the Indian government for generating power from wind energy by the year 2022:?

21➤ The target set by the Indian government for generating power from small hydro plant by the year 2022:

22➤ What is the effect of increase in solar irradiance level on solar PV cell open circuit voltage and short circuit current? (A) (B) (C) (D)

23➤ The Sun-radiated solar energy on the surface of Erath on a normal sunny day is approximately: A. B. C. D.

24➤ What is full form of MHD generators?

25➤ In a biogas plant, PH of slurry is kept between

26➤ What is VAWT considering wind turbine?

27➤ What is principle of operation of MHD generators?

28➤ For wind power electricity generation which among the following type of rotors is most commonly used?

29➤ Which type of solar cells is most expensive?

30➤ Hirakund hydro electric power plant is in which state ?

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