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Synchronous machines best question

1➤ Higher synchronous reactance is preferred in the present day alternator, beacuse one can have

2➤ The short circuit characteristics of alternator is

3➤ The rating of synchronous machine is usually governed by its

4➤ How the reactive power delivered by a synchronous generator be controlled

5➤ A synchronous generator is feeding a zero power (lagging) load at rated current. The armature reaction is

6➤ When the load (inductive) is thrown off the terminal voltage will

7➤ The leakage reactance of three phase alternators is determined by performing

8➤ In an alternators short circuit current is limited by the

9➤ While starting a synchronous motor it's field winding should be

10➤ The maximum power developed by a synchronous motor depends on

11➤ A synchronous motor is cheaper than 3 phase induction motor for_________

12➤ When Synchronous motor is pulled out of synchronism the stator current ________

13➤ The mechanical power developed by synchronous motor is independent of________

14➤ Small synchronous motors are started by

15➤ Synchronous motor are generally used in application requiring

16➤ The stator of modern alternators are wound for______phase groups

17➤ It is desirable to eliminate 5th harmonic voltages from the phase volatage of an alternators. The coil should be short pitched by an electrical angle of

18➤ In a synchronous Machine hunting is predominantly damped by

19➤ Modern alternators are designed to have poor regulations as it

20➤ The synchrounous reactance is the

21➤ In a synchronous generator delivering lagging power factor load

22➤ For maximum current during slip test on a synchronous machine the armature mmf align along

23➤ In which of the following is the reactance power developed

24➤ In a 3-phase synchrounous motor the magnitude of field flux

25➤ A 3 phase synchrounous motor needs dc supply for excitation

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