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Practice MCQ machine+p.s

1➤ The commonly used material of condenser tube is

2➤ In an induction motor what is the ratio of rotor copper- loss and rotor input (A) (B) (C) (D)

3➤ The pressure at the furnace is minimum in case of

4➤ What are the conditions to be satisfied for alternators to be synchronized with an incoming supply? 1. Equal voltage 2. Equal frequency 3. Same power rating 4. Same phase sequence Select the correct answers using the code given below

5➤ How can reactive power delivered by a synchronous generator be controlled?

6➤ In hard-tool applications which one of the following single-phase motors is used?

7➤ What is the angle between the induced voltage and supply voltage of a synchronous motor under running generation?

8➤ When does a synchronous motor operate with leading power factor current?

9➤ The crawling in the induction motor Is caused by

10➤ Which of the following motors is most suitable for signaling devices and many kinds of timers

11➤ According to Fleming’s right hand rule for finding the direction induced emf, when induced finger points in the direction of induced emf, forefinger will point the direction of

12➤ Reheat factors in steam turbine depends on

13➤ For the same maximum demand if load factors are decreased, the cost of generation will

14➤ Bundle conductors in a transmission line

15➤ For cooling of large size generators hydrogen is used because

16➤ A negative sequence relay is commonly used to protect

17➤ Which part of a motor needs maximum attention for maintenance

18➤ Which of the following is the advantages of electric breaking (A) (B) (C) (D)

19➤ The dc series motors are preferred for traction applications because

20➤ Sparking at the commutators of a dc motor may result in

21➤ The flash point of transformers oil should be higher than

22➤ A large value of short-circuit indicator

23➤ Which type of connection is employed for current transformers for the protection of star-delta connected 3-phase transformer

24➤ Francis turbine is usually used for

25➤ Which of the following is not a source of power?

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