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Top 40 electrical que and ans

1➤ Two quadrant type B chopper operates in:

2➤ Which of the Following is NOT a characteristic of PMMC instruments? .

3➤ Exponential signal is an example of

4➤ Which of the following method of tariff was proposed by John Hopkinson? .

5➤ How is the transient current in a loss free RLC circuit ?

6➤ Amplitude of antisymmetric signal is--------at the origin

7➤ Which of the following is true for gravity control as a controlling force for measuring instruments? .

8➤ What is the unit of measurement used to measure the air gap between the rotor and stator of the starter motor?

9➤ Which of the following is NOT true for the shell type transformer?

10➤ Which of the following CANNOT be a cause for the creeping error in induction type single-phase energy meter?

11➤ Identify the non-renewable source of energy among the given option.

12➤ Calculate the resolution of a 3-digit 0-1 V digital voltmeter.

13➤ In an oil circuit breaker, due to heat the oil decomposes and the gases are liberated. Which of the following gas is usually NOT liberated in this process?

14➤ In a hollow tube, if the velocity of air is constant everywhere inside the tube then the divergence of the velocity field is

15➤ As per force-voltage analogy, mass and viscous friction in mechanical translational system are analogous to______and______in electrical system, respectively.

16➤ For a second order system having its transfer function as: H(s) = 25/(s²+8s+25) Find the damping factor.

17➤ Which of the following device is bidirectional?

18➤ A power plant has the annual factors given as: load factor = 70 percent, Capacity factor = 50 percent, Use factor = 60 percent. If maximum demand is 20 MW, find the reserve capacity over and above the peak load. .

19➤ What is advantage of high voltage transmission lines?

20➤ Which of the following theorems is used to identify the resistance of the speaker that must be matched to the audio power amplifier to obtain the highest output? .

21➤ What is the current through an element at t=2 sec, if the charge entering the element is q = 10 t C?

22➤ In an HVDC system:

23➤ In double cage Induction motor, rotor is so designed to provide

24➤ Wein bridge finds application in

25➤ In series-parallel combination of resistance, the minimum number of resistance required is

26➤ is measure of closeness in shape between a waveform and its fundamental component. .

27➤ __of a conductor is a very high amplitude, low- frequency type of conductor motion and occurs mainly in areas of relatively flat terrain under freezing rain and icing of conductors.

28➤ A power amplifier supplies 50 W to an 8 2 speaker. Find ac output voltage and ac output current..

29➤ Which one of the following (A.C.S.R) conductors is having lowest cross-sectional area?

30➤ To reduce commutation difficulties universal motor are designed with

31➤ Convert (B68)16 in to equivalent octal number.

32➤ Which of the following statements is true for the synchronous motor?

33➤ The lines of force due to charged particles are

34➤ Which of the following characteristic is not desirable in measuring instrument?

35➤ Which of the following device does not belong to thyristor family?

36➤ In a magnetic circuit, the ratio of flux to m.m.f represents

37➤ Which of the following is not a VALID advantage of digital filters over analog filters? .

38➤ A single phase full bridge inverter has a supply voltage of 100 V dc. What will be the peak reverse blocking voltage of each thyristor? .

39➤ The breakaway points of the root-loci of a polynomial equation can occur

40➤ With the help of____the surface integral can be converted into a volume integral.

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