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Mix Electrical MCQ

1➤ In single phase full wave controlled bridge rectifier, minimum output voltage and maximum output voltage are obtained at which conduction angles?

2➤ If load torque Varies with sqaure of speed and terminal volatage of DC shunt motor is half then speed

3➤ Which of the following digital devices required an external refresh circuit?

4➤ The most economic load on an underground cable is

5➤ A low pass circuit with large time constant can be used as

6➤ The main drawback of JFET is it's

7➤ What type of earthing is found in 11 KV substation

8➤ The advantage of double squirrel cage induction motor over single cage rotor is that it's

9➤ Symmetrical breaking capacity of circuit breaker is

10➤ Transistor acts as an amplifier in which of following area of operation?

11➤ HRC fuse provides best protection against

12➤ The main advantage of active filter is that it can be realised without using

13➤ The identification of fault location in an HV cable is done by

14➤ The purpose of interconnector used in ring main system is

15➤ In DC chopper per unit ripple is maximum when duty cycle D is

16➤ Which is not related to tachometer?

17➤ Which model of transmission line has the lowest magnitude of A?

18➤ What is function of turbine in hydro power plant?

19➤ The measurement of resistance by carry foster bridge no error is introduced due to

20➤ At what level of current flow during electric shock death is possible

21➤ What is other name of unit impulse function?

22➤ Self reactance of coil can be measured usinf

23➤ For both overexcited and underexcited synchronous motor when load is increased p.f tends to become

24➤ The normal voltage for dielectric heating is

25➤ Which of following is not addressing modes in 8085 up?

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