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Electrical material Ques part 2

1➤ Pure metals generally have

2➤ What is the magnetic susceptibility of an ideal super conductor?

3➤ The dc resistivity and permeability exhibited by a type 1 super conductor are respectively

4➤ The materials not having negative temperature coefficient of resistivity are

5➤ If the diameter of a copper wire is increased by two times keeping it's terminal voltage same,then the drift velocity will

6➤ Bohr magneton is unit of

7➤ Enameled wires are preferred to cotton-covered wires to

8➤ Magnetic field of earth has no vertical component at

9➤ All magnetic material lose their magnetic properties when

10➤ Ferromagnetic property may be explained on the basis of

11➤ When the temperature of magnetic material is raised above the Curie temperature, it behaves similar to

12➤ Orbital magnetic moment of an electron, in an atom, is of the order of

13➤ A permeable substance is one

14➤ Exposure of insulating material to moisture causes increase in

15➤ The ceramic dielectric used in electrical engineering include

16➤ Iron is a

17➤ With the increase in temperature magnetic susceptibility of a ferromagnetic materials will

18➤ Paramagnetic susceptibility of a material

19➤ Which one of the following is not a ferromagnetic materials

20➤ Air exhibits

21➤ The magnetic field require to reduce the residual magnetization to zero is called

22➤ On which of the following factors does hysteresis loss not depend?

23➤ Commonly used dielectric in electrolytic capacitors is

24➤ _______is employed for winding of coils for DC motor starters

25➤ Which one of the following is not a permanent magnetic material

26➤ Mettalic copper is

27➤ The coercive force in a ferromagnetic materials is related to

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