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Electrical material objective Question

1➤ In the magnetic core the electromotive forces (emf) induced in accor- dance with Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction give rise to

2➤ The important considerations to be made in selection of materials is /are

3➤ The converse of magnetostriction effect is

4➤ Which of the following inductors will have the least eddy current losses?

5➤ When a ferromagnetic substance is magnetized the phenomenon of 'magnetostrictriction' causes

6➤ Conductivity of aluminium is _______time of copper

7➤ Which one of the following materials has temperature coefficient of resistance very close to zero

8➤ Platinum is employed in

9➤ High frequency transformer cores are generally made from

10➤ Wire wound resistances are used only when

11➤ Maximum flux density in cold rolled grain Oriented steel is

12➤ The shape B-H curve for air gap is

13➤ Total number of electrons that can be accommodated in various electron states in a valance band of given solid is equal to

14➤ The coordination number of a cubic structure is

15➤ The difference between the number of atoms in a unit cell of a BCC crystal and FCC crystal is

16➤ What type of defects causes F-centers in a crystal

17➤ In ionic crystal electrical conductivity is

18➤ In. Crystal lattice what are the vacancies created by the absence of certain things atoms known as

19➤ Epitaxial III-V group semiconductor compounds have which one of the following crystal structure?

20➤ Specific resistance of a conductor depends upon

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