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T-20 Electrical MCQ

1➤ The ideal core should exhibit very High permeability in case of transformer and inductor core due to magnetic saturation caused by DC imbalance condition that can be minimise by

2➤ Which one of the following devices is not a switched mode DC power supply?

3➤ In a closed loop control of squirrel cage induction motor the field oriented control strategy implemented in

4➤ For large power output multiphases rectifier are used along with filters to reduce level of harmonics by increasing the fundamental frequency in

5➤ In a photovoltaic system there is a thermally generated small reverse saturations current which flows even in the absense of light called

6➤ In a HVDC transmission line the link which has to Circuit that are almost independent of each other is called

7➤ Bundled conductor that are used to increase line voltage in EHV lines for raising critical corona voltage depend on

8➤ Potier traingle method is helpful in obtaining the voltage regulation of synchrous machines by determining the armature

9➤ The presence of ozone due to corona is harmful because it

10➤ An attenuator is a

11➤ A buck converter is used to: -

12➤ Total current or charge entering a junction is exactly equal to the charge leaving the node which means all the currents entering and leaving the junction should be equal to zero. Which circuit law is mentioned in this context?.

13➤ Which among the following metals has maximum Curie temperature?

14➤ Soft iron is used in the manufacture of electromagnets because of its: -

15➤ How many types of DC distributions systems are present solely based on the way they are fed by feeders?

16➤ Which of the following network theorem is not applicable when only dependent source is present in circuit?.

17➤ Which of the following is NOT a thyristor type?

18➤ The time base signal in a CRO is:

19➤ The stall torque represents the point on the characteristics torque and speed graph of a dc motor at which the torque is a____ .

20➤ In induction motor, the three phases of the stator are connected in series across either a single AC or DC source that type of connection braking is known as________.

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