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Utilisation of electrical energy (MCQ)

1➤ In which type of heating following factors need to be considered: Thickness of the surfaces to be heated

2➤ Variable speed cannot be obtained with

3➤ Which is the color of light emitted by the sodium vapour lamp?

4➤ Why is electric braking preferred?

5➤ Which one of the following is an example of plastic welding?

6➤ Series-parallel speed control method used in traction system gives a speed range of about:

7➤ It is required to provide an illumination of 100 lux in a factory hall of 30 m length and 15 m breadth. Assume the depreciation factor is 0.8, coefficient of utilisation is 0.4 and efficiency of lamp is 14 lumen/watt. Suggest the number of lamps required when rating of the lamp is 250 W.

8➤ Filament used in a Halogen lamp is made up of -

9➤ The capacity of a battery is 60 Ah. For how long can the current of 5 ampere be drawn from this battery

10➤ Which of the following is NOT an advantage of individual electric drive ?

11➤ Which of the following motors is the most suitable for urban and sub urban services of electric traction?

12➤ A single-phase AC arc welding transformer supplies approximately

13➤ In steam locomotive, electric power is provided through

14➤ Which of the following methods of heating is not dependent on the frequency of supply?.

15➤ Arc blow is caused by

16➤ Which of the following statement is true for DC Straight Polarity (DCSP) in welding?

17➤ Which of the following heating is used for paint drying and for drying foundary moulds?.

18➤ Which of the heating methods has low lagging power factor?

19➤ Which of the following properties is NOT related to carbon electrodes in arc furnaces?

20➤ Which of the following materials is used as heating element in domestic appliances?

21➤ Which of the following law deals with designing of Heating Element?

22➤ A process that converts electric energy into heat energy is known as electric heating What are some essential requirements for a good heating element? A. High specific resistance B. High melting point C. High mechanical strength D. Non-corrosive

23➤ Which of the following is NOT an advantage of electric heating?

24➤ Which of the following is NOT true about Space/Height Ratio in illumination? It is ratio of horizontal distance

25➤ Why is tungsten used in the incandescent lamp filaments?

26➤ Which of the following emit greenish-blue colour ?

27➤ Which of the following in NOT the correct in designing a good point to be considered lightning scheme?

28➤ In which of the following lighting scheme, 60 to 90% of total light flux is thrown upward to the ceiling?

29➤ Which of the following terms is related to illumination?

30➤ 100 V lamp takes a current of 20 A. If the total flux is 3600 π, find the mean spherical candle-power of the lamp.

31➤ According to Lambert's Cosine Law of Illumination, the illumination at any point on a surface is proportional to the cosine of the angle between

32➤ Which of the following formula is correct for Reduction Factor (R) in illumination?

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