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Active passive voice MCQ

1➤ The boy has rung the bell.

2➤ Have you paid your outstanding bills?

3➤ The merchant brought many gifts for his family from India.

4➤ They will complete the painting in a week's time.

5➤ The chief guest gave prizes to the children.

6➤ I saw him leaving the house.

7➤ What one must do, one must do properly.

8➤ The new gardener looks after the plants well.

9➤ The store manager caught the teenager shoplifting.

10➤ I expect you to complete this work before sunset.

11➤ He likes people to call him Sir.

12➤ Don't laugh at me.

13➤ My cousin has written this essay.

14➤ My sister will write an application.

15➤ Do you understand what I mean?

16➤ I am doing sums.

17➤ We are reaching the end of this exercises

18➤ We all know that there is only one God.

19➤ The noise of the traffic kept me awake.

20➤ The king gave him a reward.

21➤ He teaches us grammar.

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