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Electrical MCQ series

1➤ Which of the following statements is true for salient pole alternators?

2➤ As per increasing luminous efficiency which arrangement is correct?

3➤ Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a shunt type fault? .

4➤ Which of the following circuits CANNOT be used to trigger the SCR?.

5➤ In series resonance, the resonance frequency is the _____ two half power frequencies.

6➤ Which of the following components is absent in a block diagram?

7➤ Which of the following is NOT true for the three-phase Delta system?

8➤ For a synchronous generator supplying a balanced 3-phase load, the armature reaction flux is,_______ in magnitude and rotates at_______ speed.

9➤ Generally, fault location in cables detected by comparing .

10➤ Select the most suitable pressure indicating device from the following list to measure pressure in the range 0-30 Mpa.

11➤ Which among the following is not a method for harmonic assessment?

12➤ In the power system, which bus is known as swing bus?

13➤ Which of the following devices CANNOT be used as a bi- directional switch?

14➤ In a RLC series circuit, the frequency is above the resonance frequency. What will be the power factor?

15➤ As per the sampling theorem what should be the relation between the frequency of sampling signal ωS and cut-off frequency ωM for a low pass filter?

16➤ Which of the following is truly a disadvantage of Maxwell's inductance bridge?

17➤ Which of the following statements is correct regarding the testing of electronic components?

18➤ Which of the following electrical wire joints is used in overhead lines for taping the electrical energy perpendicular to the service lines?

19➤ MOV protection in a UPS system is used for which of the following?

20➤ How many types of circuit breakers are available based on the arc quenching medium used?

21➤ Shackle type insulators are used for :

22➤ In torque-current analogy, moment of inertia in mechanical analogous to system is_______ in electrical system.

23➤ Which of the following statements is correct regarding a nuclear power plant?

24➤ Which of the following is NOT true for a signal flow graph(SFG)?

25➤ The symmetrical components, meant for solution to unbalanced system are:

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