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Top 15 expected MCQ iti insturctor Wireman/Electrician

1➤ What is the PIV of the diode if the AC input voltage is 24V?

2➤ How many terminals are in transistor?

3➤ What is the application of zener diode?

4➤ What is the expansion of PIV? A : Peak Input Voltage B : Positive Inverse Voltage C : Peak Inverse Voltage D : Phase Inverse Voltage

5➤ How the N type semi conductor is formed? A : Germanium with aluminium B : Silicon with antimony C : Silicon with iridium D : Silicon with arsenic

6➤ What does the depletion region behave?

7➤ What is the use of LED?

8➤ What is the function of forward biased PN junction diode?

9➤ Why earth resistance value required to keep very low?

10➤ What will happen to the value of earth resistance, if length of the earth pipe is increased?

11➤ What is the shape of the waveform of A/C?

12➤ Which type of capacitor is known as polarised capacitor?

13➤ Which force is required to demagnetise the residual magnetism in the hysteresis loop?

14➤ Which rule is used to find the direction of the self induced emf in a coil?

15➤ What is the metal composition of Permalloy?

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